Date: Sunday 3rd November, 2019
Venue: Picton Botanic Gardens, Picton.
Organisers and report : Paul and Sue Davis
An International Field enjoyed the well cared-for surroundings of the Picton Botanic Gardens. Only one Australian native animal slithered out of its home near the creek to greet a selected few.
Relay competitors were carefully divided into fast and slightly slower runners. Eight teams were drawn from one of each. At the mass start teams had to plan which of the 18 controls would be sought by each runner and then meet at the last control and come to the finish together.
Planning underway in pairs…
Angus came in very early to wait under the cool of the tree for partner, Nat, who had some tricky controls to find. They eventually returned in 4th. Angus had been earlier joined by Craig, Dean and young Rory under the tree as they waited for their team mates to return.
Clever planning by President Garry and young Rory finally saw them in 1st! An amazing effort! Congratulations! Experience and fast feet carried Dave Lotty and Dean into second place. Careful planning by Stephan and Sandra brought them in together at 3rd. The remainder of teams were not far behind with Craig and Barb 5th, Peter and Kristy 6th, Ruth and Liz 7th and Lyn and Robert 8th.
Winners El Presidente Garry and Rory!
From ‘post run’ chats we think everyone enjoyed themselves as did Paul and Sue in setting the courses.
An Easy line course was tackled by 6 groups. We welcomed the Humphreys Family who came to their second orienteering event after enjoying their first at Appin. We are sure to see them again. Ian Shedden (the father of Angus) was the eventual winner.
Rory Shedden & Garry Stewart, 30:38
Dean Williamson & Dave Lotty, 32:15
Sandra Stewart & Stephan Wagner, 33:31
Nat Carroll & Angus Shedden, 35:34
Barb Dawson & Craig Roach, 36:47
Kristie Carroll & Peter Meyer, 43:14
Ruth Shedden & Liz Lewis, 45:36
Robert Spry & Lyn Malmgron, 48:56
Ian Shedden, 15:48
Ailie Carroll, 22:22
Anna Shedden, 24:24
Aiden Humphreys, 24:40
Heath Humphreys, 24:47
Euan Shedden, MP